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Voter Information

Your voice is your vote, so make your voice heard by voting this year and every year!  For additional information on how to vote, please view the Union County Votes web page. To ensure you are registered to vote, to register online to vote, or to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot, please see the buttons below (which lead to the State of NJ or Union County Clerk websites). 

Already voted by mail?  Great!  Track your ballot here:

There are 3 ways to vote in 2024.

Vote on Election Day In-PersonGarwood voters can vote in person on Election Day, Tuesday November 5th, between the hours of 6 AM and 8 PM.  Residents who live on the North Side of town, including Vermella One, vote at the Library (411 3rd Ave).   South Side residents, including Vermella Two, vote at the Knights of Columbus (37 South Ave, park and enter from the Willow Ave side of the building across from the DPW yard). To confirm your polling place, please visit and enter your street address.

Vote-By-Mail: Union County residents who are qualified, registered voters may apply for a “Vote-By-Mail” ballot by written application to the Union County Clerks’ Election Office. Voters must sign their name as it appears in the registry book. All requests must be received 7 days before the Election. Any voter who fails to apply by the deadline may apply in person in the Election Office on any day up to 3 p.m. of the day before Election Day. Ballots may be mailed (must be postmarked by Election Day), placed in any Union County secure drop box (Garwood's is located in front of our Free Public Library, 411 3rd Avenue), or returned to the Board of Elections office in Elizabeth.

Vote Early In-PersonThis new option enables all registered voters to cast their ballot in person, using a voting machine, during a designated in-person early voting period prior to Election Day. The closest Early Voting Site to Garwood is at Union County College, 1033 Springfield Ave, Cranford NJ 07016. Please check back closer to Election Day for more specific information. 

Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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