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Paving Paths for Progress  

Our Platform for Garwood


  • Negotiate for more beneficial shared service agreements that invite other towns to compete for our business.

  • Identify alternative revenue sources and continue annual reviews of permits and fees to ensure they align with neighboring towns.

  • Continue advocacy for the total return of yearly Energy Tax revenue from the State government to Garwood to help keep property taxes in check.


  • Create an advisory group of community stakeholders (i.e., Police, School Administration, business owners, and local non-profits) to address community relations and problem-solve. 

  • Strengthen ties of cultural and communal organizations like GPAC by founding and promoting new events that emphasize Garwood's history and development.

  • Work with the Board of Health and local businesses to engage resident interests in sustainability, mental health awareness, and healthy living. 


  • Ensure proper funding and staffing levels for Police & Fire Departments.

  • Collaborate with the Police and Borough Engineer to continue improving traffic and pedestrian safety, including sidewalks, road diets, bike paths, and busy crosswalks with accessible pedestrian signals.

  • Support the Garwood Police Department's community policing programs, including establishing a volunteer community emergency response team (CERT).


  • Target public and private grants to address infrastructure projects, flood mitigation, and increased sustainability.  

  • Lobby with our Trenton and Washington, D.C. legislative partners to increase funding for NJ Transit accessibility and platform improvements.

  • Oversee public space development at the Paperboard site and hold the developer accountable to the timeline.


  • Ensure our Small Town with The Big Heart also has a Big Voice with our County, State, and Federal representatives to reclaim our tax dollars for more paving, modernization of infrastructure, and flood control.

  • Represent Garwood with dignity and respect; ensuring that Garwood is professionally represented and advocated for at the County, State, and Federal levels.

Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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