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ARTICLE: Let's Choose a Candidate's Record Over Facebook Fodder

By Jen Blumenstock |  Published in The Clark-Garwood Patch,  November 3, 2022

Someone recently asked me why I don’t always go back on Facebook with rebuttals to all of the things my opponents and their supporters say about me. My reply to him? If I spent all that time rebutting all of the absurd things that I see on Facebook, I wouldn’t ever get anything done for Garwood.

Yes, there are multitudes of false accusations made against me and my team by the Salmon ticket and their surrogates. I’ve seen the wildest things, just as you have. My husband hides in bushes to spy (wow), I tap my pen too much (yep, I do), or I’m involved in multiple cover ups or on the take (umm.. been watching too much tv). There’s so much craziness about what I do or don't do. Mostly from people who don’t know me as more than a mere acquaintance or even not at all. I understand that by putting my hat in the ring for Mayor, I opened myself to that craziness and most of the time I let it roll off my back, simply because it’s so bizarre.

Now, there's the accusations about things I’ve done to the Borough and yes, those do bother me, because I obviously take great pride in the work I’ve done as a Councilperson. I’ve made no bones about the amount of hours and hard work I’ve put into making progress and solving problems here in Garwood. So when I’m accused of allowing any unsafe conditions for the DPW employees here in Garwood, when my opponent knows for a fact that is untrue, I will do my best to let the residents know that these are false statements put out there merely to win an election.

The DPW accusations look sensational, and are meant to be sensational to get you to notice. But the building has been on our radar for years; things take time to move through the process and rightly so. We don’t want to rush such a huge, expensive undertaking. And in the meantime, we’re stuck with an old, ugly building, but one that is serviceable. Yes, I take it personally when I’m accused of putting residents or employees in harm's way. I never have and never will. I think we can all agree that it doesn't make sense to spend tens of thousands of dollars on cosmetics for a building that may very well be demolished next year.

Or when I’m accused of raising taxes or spending indiscriminately, I will respond back by showing residents the charts with the tax impacts over the past few decades that show how much lower the impact has been since I came into office. Or I will explain that yes, the debt has risen due to the ladder fire truck, but not only is our debt still in good shape, but that ladder truck was, I felt, a highly justified purchase. Also, before I came into office, our DPW was working with equipment almost three decades old and our roads were in terrible shape. There was a bit of catch up to do, but if we move along the path we’re on now, things can be slow and steady.

I do think the vitriol online has gotten out of hand. I don’t condone any of the nasty name calling or the angry memes, Republican or Democrat. Most of what is said would never be said in person to someone’s face. And it’s gotten way too easy to be able to just post your opinion as if it's gospel, when in reality it comes down to a “he said, she said.” There are always two different sides to any story; or two different sides to every phone call, every meeting.

Again, I could spend my time posting back at every one of those phone call stories, or put out a thousand mailers debunking each accusation. But those who know me, and many of you do, I believe you see through that noise. I believe our voters here in Garwood want to vote based on someone’s record, not what someone has to say about something she heard on the playground.

So take a look at my record. Go through our website, see the testimonials. Better yet, take a walk down the newly paved streets, stop at Hartman Park, take a look at the new blinking pedestrian lights. I’ll continue my work here in Garwood. It’s time much better spent.

Jen Blumenstock
Garwood Mayoral Candidate

Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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