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ARTICLE: Kearney, Boto and Foley are Prepared to Serve on the Council

By Stephanie Bianco   Published in the Union County Hawk, October 26, 2023

With another Election Day in Garwood rapidly approaching, it’s time to discuss again how the Garwood Republican candidates are just not prepared to serve on the Council. I’ve once again received mail from a Republican campaign team about debt, spending and fixing flooding. What’s missing is a plan on how to do those things.

Lowering debt and “cutting spending” sound great on a mailer, the reality of local finances get a lot more complicated when serving on the Council. Cuts can’t be indiscriminate; they affect services. There isn’t enough revenue, or any way to raise enough revenue, to completely avoid debt and provide essential equipment for our departments in a town this small. Flooding isn’t an issue that starts, or stops, at Garwood’s borders. Why bring in a company for the massive expense needed to dredge the brook, when the Borough’s own Engineer doesn’t think it’s needed?

These are e
lection season talking points, not serious proposals.

It’s difficult for me to see the same thing year after year from our local Republicans; a total lack of substance on the issues. I’ve been in Garwood for a long time, and in this town we’ve always supported who we thought would do the best job for us. So it’s not about the party for me, it’s about the candidate.

Commitment and coherence are what I’m looking for in people to represent us on our Council.

Vincent Kearney has done an amazing job on the Council. He lives and breathes Garwood, he will tell it to you like it is, and I’ve seen firsthand the personal commitment he puts into issues residents bring to his attention. I’ve only just met the other members of his team, but they’ve all presented a platform that makes sense. This is what I think matters most.

I present these facts to you today as a former Republican member of the Council. The job of a Councilmember is serious, it takes a lot of time, a lot of work, and shouldn’t be entered into as a lark or because a friend asked you to run. I believe Democrats Sean Foley, Karina Boto and Vincent Kearney are the best-qualified candidates to take on this job for Garwood. I hope you will join me in supporting them on Election Day, November 7th.

Sean & Chase for Garwood Council
409 Locust Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
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